Our Learning Programme

Our Curriculum

Our learning programme is based on Te Whāriki , New Zealand’s early childhood curriculum.

To make your child's introduction to learning and formal education fun and enjoyable we use a mixture of structured and play based learning incorporating as much nature guided learning as possible. Each child’s learning journey will be guided by their child's natural abilities and interests.

As caregivers you will be kept up to date and be able to contribute to your child's progress and learning through Educa - a learning application. This is also how we will share information, newsletters and updates.

Playing with clay at Little Ferns Rolleston

Our Child Ratios

We aim to provide low teacher to child ratios in all of our rooms.  In our Koru room we have a 1:4 ratio, the Pikopiko room a 1:7 and the Ponga room a 1:10.

Our Operating Hours

We are open from 7.30am - 5.30pm weekdays, closed on public holidays and for a week over the Christmas period. Enrolment is offered on a weekly basis for a minimum booking of 4 hours in the nursery and 6.5 hours in the over two’s and both areas require two days per week. If you haven't already the best way to enrol is through our website, if you have any questions please email or phone us.

Settling in

We want our tamariki to settle in and feel welcomed at Little Ferns as quickly as possible so wework closely with caregivers and offer settling in visits prior to attending. It doesn't take long beforethey feel confident and excited about coming to the Little Ferns.

For settling, we encourage 3-6 visits prior to their first day usually over 1-2 weeks. The first few visitswill be one hour long, with you staying with your child as they explore their new surroundings aswell as taking the opportunity to discuss your child's routines, development and personality.

From the third visit onwards, we recommend these to be about three hours long, and we encourageyou to leave your child with us for that time.

For our pre-schooler's, we have a transition programme with Clearview Primary School so that when our little ones leave our environment, they settle into primary school smoothly. This has been hugely beneficial at our other centres who offer the same programme.


What to bring

We take care of as much as we can for families that attend the centre but please bring along a few changes of clothes and a wet bag, a water bottle, sunhat, any milk and bottles required, and a cuddly if needed for sleep. We take care of food, nappies, wipes and sunblock. We also ask if you could please apply sunblock before or as you drop your child off, in case they scoot outside as soon as they arrive.


Please phone or email the centre as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent for the day.


Please phone to advise the centre if your child is unwell and has constant or coloured discharge from the eyes, ears, or nose, fever, rash, persistent cough or strep throat, vomiting or diarrhoea within the last48 hours, or if they are requiring one on one care. Any other diseases as outlined by the Ministry of Health guidelines.

If your child develops any of these symptoms while at Little Ferns, they will be considered infectious and will be isolated and you will be contacted to come and collect your child. They can return when they are well again or after a Doctor has given them a Doctors certificate stating they are fine to return to the centre.

We strive to empower our tamariki to be resilient life-long learners by nurturing ourselves, each other and the environment through kindness
The Little Ferns Mission Statement